Amazing Glaze Ladies Night - such fun! I always so enjoy getting a night away from the responsibilities of mommy-hood and spending a night out with my girlfriends. I am so blessed to have a husband who handles the baby bedtime routine seamlessly and leaves me with nothing at all to worry about. (Love you, Bearface!)
This time around was full of craziness. From me overdosing on bread sticks to Rachel the pop singer NOT being Dana the harpist to April causing a ruckus with her receipt-losing...what a wild time it was.
Our two wonderful, amazing friends, Mike and Rachel, got married this weekend at the Maryland Zoo. This wedding was extra special for us since we are the ones credited with introducing the bride and groom, and have been able to see their relationship grow from a dinner party meeting at our house, to becoming a beautiful, loving family. Mike's three boys are truly the luckiest boys in the world, in my opinion. They have gained the most loving and supportive mom out of this deal - I am amazed constantly by the grace and love Rachel extends to those sweet little boys. They are truly a beautiful family, and we are so proud to have been a part of their special day!
The wedding was absolutely beautiful. The Lakeside Pavillion at the Zoo is gorgeous, and as part of getting married at the Zoo, they got to have a zoo animal present at their reception. We were all pretty pumped to sip cocktails alongside Tails the Penguin. There was all the typical wedding fun - pretty dresses, dancing, cake, good food, friends. We had a fantastic time and we are so very happy for the Marino family!
When Bennet was still in my tummy, we bought Andrew tickets to the Orioles/Yankees game for Father's Day. Sunday was the big day! We really gave Bennet the true Baltimore baseball experience. We went to Pickles Pub before the game, ate food from the street vendors, and even got a certificate for him from Fan Assistance commemorating his first baseball game (a nice man who took our tickets told us about it!)
When the Yankees are in town, Oriole Park basically becomes Yankee Stadium. We sat in the Upper Reserves with rows upon rows of people dressed in their Yankee best. Everyone said hilarious things to us like, "I'm glad to see you're raising that kid up right," or when Bennet was crying they'd say, "Don't cry kid, they'll win." It was a wild time and Bennet handled all of the loud craziness of the ball park swimmingly.
Unfortunately, there was one bad thing that happened this weekend. Also unfortunate is that it happened on Sunday as our happy, little family was leaving the baseball game. We were in an accident in the parking lot. Not so fun. Not so fabulous. Pretty ridiculous.
To make a long story short, we were t-boned by another driver in the parking lot as we were exiting the game. He hit us fairly hard ($3,000 worth of damage to the car according to an estimate yesterday,) and he hit the passenger side of the car - meaning he hit right where Bennet and I were sitting. I, of course, jumped out of the car and grabbed Bennet to make sure he was okay. He seemed fine, other than being startled and crying a lot. The MSA security officers took a report of the accident, and we all went to the emergency room just to be safe and get checked out. We all got a clean bill of health - thank God!
The people who hit us were vacationing here from Hawaii, and were in a rental car. According to their insurance company, they are now claiming that we "cut them off" in the parking lot. This is completely untrue and really frustrating. So now, we're waiting on the MSA report to be turned in to our insurance company and then we'll be going through an investigation to see who is deemed to be at fault and which insurance company will be paying for all of the damage. We remain confident that the accident was not our fault. Everyone I have spoken to says you cannot be t-boned and have it be your fault. Needless to say, I am very annoyed with the people who hit us and I am just trying to be patient and await the outcome of the insurance investigation. In the meantime, prayers for our situation, and my attitude about it, are much appreciated!
So there's our weekend in a nutshell. It was a great weekend all-in-all, as the beauty and happiness and wonderfulness far outweighed the little bit of accident-related-drama we are now encountering. All that matters is that we have a healthy, happy family and healthy, happy friends - the rest is all irrelevant compared to those things.
SO glad to hear you guys are okay. Wow - what a big weekend!
OH MY WORD! I would say that is quite the weekend! I can't believe you got t-boned!!! Oh I am so glad all the little Peter Monkies are OK!!!
It didn't seem quite right...
*Peters Monkies*
and still seems off.
Bennet looks so cute in those pics of him at the ball game! I am sure he had the best time ever! That totally sucks about those people hitting you. Hopefully the report will be ruled in your favor. Can you even open the doors on that side?
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