Yesterday, something truly exciting happened. Andrew found a sewing machine on craigslist for free! This sweet, old woman in Dundalk who apparently had four machines and "just wanted someone to get some use out of" one that she wasn't using was giving it away! We went to pick it up yesterday and I couldn't be more thrilled.
This lady bought it new from Sears in 1976. She took immaculate care of it - it still has the original receipt, manual, and all kinds of attachments and special parts. And what's even more fabulous is that she even gave us the cabinet for it - so it's all set up and ready to go!
Trish, my sewing idol and neighbor, came over yesterday and helped us look it over. Andrew oiled it up and cleaned it works wonderfully! I even made a silly little pocket and put a note in it and put it in Trish's mailbox to show her my handiwork!
My first official project is going to be a bag. I started working on it this morning and it's looking a little dicey. I know practice makes perfect in these situations, so practice I shall!
I told Andrew last night that, in honor of our first Christmas in our own home, I am going to make us all matching Christmas pajama bottoms for Christmas morning. Something in his response makes me think he'll be secretly hoping I give up sewing before it comes to that, but I think we'll all be adorable in our matching jammies!
Wish me luck as I set out to learn a new skill! Even if I don't make it as a seamstress - at least it was free!

YEAH!!! This is fun! I have one and I LOVE it. I am getting ready to make curtains for my bedroom! :)
That's fantastic!! I'm so excited for you! Let me know how easy it is to learn, because I'm not-so-secretly int he same boat: not wanting to spend the money for few of not using it or being good at it, but totally wishing that I could get one and be a natural pro, better than MArtha Stewart herself!!
What a great story! I have always, always wanted to learn how to sew, but been too scared to even try and do it. Let us know how it goes for you!!! And post pictures of what you make no matter what it looks like (but I am sure it will turn out great!)
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