I am starting to turn the corner and get better. I'm on my second course of antibiotics, getting as much rest as possible, drinking lots of fluids, etc. Andrew made me homemade Chicken Soup earlier this week, which has been instrumental in my healing. The sad thing is, Bennet is now sick. This has been my biggest fear all along, and two days ago he started with the coughing, runny nose and low fever that I was afraid he'd pick up. We saw the pediatrician on Monday (more on that later) and he told me that Bennet would most likely get sick, and that as long as his fever stayed under 101.5, he didn't need to see him and we'd just have to wait it out and let him fight it off on his own.
We've had some important happenings in the Peters house over the past few weeks, I've just been too out of it to blog about them. I'll try to do a brief review.
We celebrated Bennet's first Halloween. He was a monkey (go figure) and a very cute one if I may say so! We carved his first pumpkin - he loved chewing on the raw pumpkin more than the actual process of pumpkin carving. I think that, despite my sickness, we made it a fun time for him. Here, of course, are some pictures to prove it.

Bennet turned 6 months old at the beginning of this month! Where the past six months have gone, I couldn't tell you. It does go as fast as everyone tells you it does. I cannot believe my little newborn baby has been with us for half of a year and is anything but "little" anymore.
We had his 6-month check-up with Dr. Bucci on Monday. He weighs 21 pounds, 10.5 ounces! Most 1 year olds I know weigh that much! He is in the 97th percentile for height, weight and head circumference. I have no idea where we're getting this big football player of a kid from. He's huge!

We also had his 6-month photos and some family photos taken last weekend. I'm still waiting for the photographer to post them to her website, but I can't wait to see them. I hope I don't look sick and miserable in them, even though I definitely was!
Today is a beautiful day here in Baltimore. It's supposed to get up to 72 degrees. We have the windows open, and the cleaning lady comes later this morning - I'm hoping between her cleaning and the breeze airing things out, the sick gets out of our house! Bennet and I are headed out into the city to run some errands - the library, the grocery store and whatever else we find to do along the way. We haven't been on a walk in at least a week - which is a huge change for us considering we normally travel 3-5 miles per day on foot! I'm hoping I'm better enough to walk - there's only one way to find out!
Here's hoping the beautiful weather and fresh air does both of us "sickies" a world of good!
Oh no!! I'm sorry you're both sick, but super glad Andrew is stepping up.
Hope you guys feel better. I've missed the witty musings of Momma Peters.
What a cute monkey he is!!! I can't wait to see you either...I have missed my TT.
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