Our beach house is beautiful! We spent the afternoon getting settled in yesterday - grocery shopping, ordering pizza and relaxing! We had to put Bennet to bed early. I think all of the excitement tired him out! He cried all through his bath and ended up crying himself to sleep in his pack and play.
Once we got him to sleep, we played a Parcheesi game together. The winner was promised a rhinestone-studded "Winner" pin, and competition was fierce! Raegan and I quickly made an alliance against the other players and had high hopes of wearing the pin. Unfortunately, Andrew ended up winning. We celebrated his win by lighting sparklers off in the back yard and then headed to bed.
This morning, Bennet woke up around 6:45, and when I went out to the kitchen to get him a sippy cup of milk, I saw that Grammy had left a note for all of us saying she and Raegan had gone for a seashell hunt on the beach! We thought we'd be the first ones up! We got dressed and headed to the beach to meet up with them. It was Bennet's first time on the beach, and he loved it! He had no fear of the waves and ran into the water! He loved picking up seashells and running all over the place!
It started to rain during our walk, so we headed home to cook a big breakfast and then spent the morning at an arcade! Bennet was completely exhausted by the time we cashed in our tickets and went to pick him a prize. He fell sound asleep in his stroller in the noisy arcade. I couldn't believe he was able to sleep in such a noisy place!
The rain seems to have cleared up this afternoon. We've all relaxed and napped and bummed around, and have plans for dinner and putt-putt golf this evening! Hopefully the rain holds out for our golf outing! Wish us luck!
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