June 30, 2010: Our little house, all cleaned up and ready to show to potential renters. We've been showing it to lots of people, and hope to have a renter lined up soon!
July 1, 2010: On the drive to preschool, my Forester broke down and Andrew had to come pick us up. We took Bennet to school, then had to have the car towed into the dealership to be repaired. Turned out to be the battery, belts and the alternator. We had to leave it at the dealership all weekend to be fixed, and spent more time that usual in Andrew's car. Bennet loves riding in "Dada's car" and is all smiles whenever the opportunity presents itself!
July 2, 2010: Poor Bennet caught a virus at preschool, and was sick for most of the week. This night was one of the worst. He woke up all through the night coughing and crying. We took him to the pediatrician the next day (for the second time that week) and found out he had developed a double ear infection. Thanks to antibiotics, he was on the mend pretty quickly after that!
July 3, 2010: My suitcase is packed for the hospital. Bennet's is packed to stay with Grandma! Now, we're just waiting for Kennedy to show up!
July 4, 2010: 38 weeks pregnant on the 4th of July! I also came down with Bennet's illness on this day, so we had a very low-key 4th! We had planned to let Bennet stay up late to walk down to the Harbor for the fireworks, but with both him and I being sick, Bennet went to bed at his normal time and Andrew and I watched fireworks on TV.
July 5, 2010: Andrew had another day off for the holiday weekend. We took Bennet to see Toy Story 3 in 3-D. He wore his glasses for about 45 seconds, and then refused to put them on again. In addition to missing out on the cool, 3-D experience, we're sure the movie hurt his eyes, since it was so blurry without glasses. He didn't seem to mind, though!
July 6, 2010: My sore throat continues. My midwife called an antibiotic in for me today, so we're all hoping that gets things cleared up and gets me on the mend. Andrew taught Bennet how to make me a cup of hot tea to make my throat feel better. He was so proud of himself for unwrapping the tea bag and putting it in the cup. My boys are such sweeties.
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