Our first baby turned six this week. Sophie, our little Chihuahua who we got the same weekend that we got engaged, has seen every major milestone in our lives. She was there for our wedding day, she greeted both babies when they came home from the hospital, and she made the big move from the city to the suburbs with us this past summer. Before Bennet was born, we threw birthday parties for her every year - inviting her puppy friends and showering her with her favorite foods and all sorts of presents. When the babies started showing up, the dog parties dwindled. We'd still make her a special plate of chicken, or give her a little present, but due to the baby-haze we've been in, the parties sure weren't what they used to be!
Fortunately for Sophie, Bennet is finally at the age where he loves parties and I knew he would get a kick out of throwing one for "Co-co" (his name for her.) B and I went shopping at the dollar store for presents for her, and we planned a menu of her most favorite things - chicken, macaroni and cheese and cupcakes!

I was lucky enough to recently win a few sets of Reynolds' new StayBrite Baking Cups from a giveaway on the Sweet Treats by Jesseca blog, and I let Bennet choose from the assortment of baking cups we received. His pick - pirates! We spent an afternoon baking, icing and decorating a pirate cupcake cake for the birthday girl. I'm not sure who was more excited - Bennet or Sophie!
Sophie got to eat her dinner on the dining room table, and we sang Happy Birthday to her and helped her blow her candles out. Then, the kids opened presents with her in the living room - Bennet loved chasing her around the living room, playing with the new toys he'd chosen for her!
Bennet had an amazing time celebrating the big number 6 with his big sister, Sophie! And, while she can't talk, I think it's safe to say that Sophie really enjoyed her birthday party - especially the fuzzy ball (which happened to be a cat toy) that Bennet picked out for her.

I'm so glad you got a chance to use those cups! I can't believe it took me this long to become your follower!!! Have you entered my Bah-Humbug Giveaway??? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you if you did!
Hi! I'm a new follower via Google Friend Connect. :) Found you through the Blog Hop! :) Hopefully you can stop by! I have a great giveaway for Mango Languages Bundle ($250 Value) & more coming up :)
That is so cute! I've thrown my dogs a few birthday parties :)
-Ai Mei
Awwweee I love the Sophie birthday party :) I can't wait to give Pickle and Olive their Christmas presents...Olive has already tried to open one of them! ha
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