December 8, 2010: The point of this picture is not Beanie's crying rage, it's that winter is boot season, and I cannot handle how cute she looks in boots and leggings. These boots were actually Monkey's, and were the only thing of his that I kept that would also work for a baby girl! They match my Emu boots, and they're even cuter on a little girl with leggings than they were under little boy jeans.

December 9, 2010: I caught Bennet snuggling up to his baby sister on the couch. I love seeing how much these two love each other!

December 10, 2010: One of Andrew's co-workers had a "Bad Christmas Sweater Party," and we headed out, all of us in our Christmas worst. Andrew's sweater, purchased at the Clearfield, PA Goodwill, was truly a thing of splendor. I've never seen anything as hideous! Christmas cardinals, anyone?

December 11, 2010: We had dinner with some wonderful friends - without the kids! It was so much fun to spend time with adults, talk about things other than bottles and potty training, and drink some great wines at dinner. Sometimes, it's the little things in life that make you the happiest!

December 12, 2010: I miss the days when Bennet was this easy to photograph! Kennedy is always more than willing to smile and look pretty for pictures, whereas I have to jump around like a crazy person and sing songs to get Bennet to even look at the camera!

December 13, 2010: Bennet had his very first dentist appointment and, despite my nervousness, it went fabulously! He listened to everything the hygienist and dentist told him to do, he got his teeth cleaned, and he even wore the sunglasses they gave him to keep the light from hurting his eyes. He got to watch a movie while they were cleaning his teeth, and they sent him home with a new toothbrush, toys and stickers. I wish my dentist was as much fun!
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Hi Terri . . . awesome photos of your family :)
Thank you for following my blog . . . I am following you back!
Have an awesome Wednesday . . . Gina
. . . and many more blogs!
Hi! I've hopped over from the Mid Week Mingle and really enjoyed your lovely post. What a great looking family. I loved the bit about the boots...which incidentally I thought looked very cool. My son had a rage about boots when he was that age because he just hated anything on his feet. He kicked his christening boots off into the vicar's face during the ceremony.
I've added myself as your latest follower.
Please drop by and follow if you would like.
Kindest wishes
Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com (a vision of the future)
Hi, I'm a new follower from The Mid-Week Mingle blog hop.
Cute pictures of your fmaily and I love your layout!
I'm your newest follower from the Wednesday blog hops! Come check out my blog at: http://adventuresofathriftymommy.blogspot.com/
Have a great day!
LOVE that you're still doing the 365. I plan to start doing it when we get pregnant and/or when we have little ones. Right now I just think it'd be uber boring. ha ha ha
newest follower come share the love and see the great gift card and baking giveaway.
Thanks for the Follow. I am now following you as well.
Happy Holidays!
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