December 15, 2010: My sweet, sweet babies, being ridiculous at dinnertime. I love them so.
December 16, 2010: Our first snow of winter! When I picked Bennet up from preschool, the snow was really coming down! We played in the front yard for a while when we first got home from school, and I tried to teach Bennet how to catch snowflakes on his tongue!
December 17, 2010: I bought Bennet this reindeer necklace and reindeer headband at the craft store, and remembered to give it to him on this night. He wanted to see himself in the mirror, so I took him into my room to check himself out. He then decided he wanted me to make his nose red like the reindeer, so I used some lip gloss to turn him into Rudolph!
December 18, 2010: Bennet and Andrew went to the Lowes Build and Grow Clinic every Saturday morning in December to make the parts to this cool, wooden train! Bennet doesn't know it yet, but he's getting a train table from his Grandma and Mommom for Christmas - so this train will really come in handy!
December 19, 2010: Another picture from Kennedy's baby dedication. She looked so pretty in her dress (that I sewed for her!) but she was sure a grump that day!
December 20, 2010: When we checked in on Bennet before we went to bed, we found that he had unzipped his pajamas, and then fallen asleep with them half off. Andrew had to sneak in and zip him back up in his sleep.
December 21, 2010: We bought these Umbra Wallflowers when we first moved in to the new house, hoping to arrange them in a really cool way on this wall. We put them up, and then never did much with the arrangement. Fortunately, they make a great place to display our Christmas cards!
WHAT a super cute idea for using those wall flowers!!
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