March 17, 2008

baby shower two.

I had my second (and final) baby shower on Saturday. It was much smaller than the first one - just aunts, great aunts, cousins, my grandma, mom & one of the volunteers for my non-profit. We got a lot of stuff, though, for it being so small. My mother-in-law even mailed a gift, which was really sweet. It was nice to have something to open from her to let me know she was thinking of me even though she is so far away.

Somehow, we got quite a few "duplicate" gifts, meaning people purchased the same thing off of our registry. Yesterday, Andrew and I took all the "duplicates" back & we ended up with a store credit at Babies R Us for $157! We paired that up with a gift card we'd received, and we were able to buy everything off of our registry that hadn't been purchased. I think we spent about $100 of our own money - but we now have everything we need, minus a few really minimal things that I can pick up here & there between now and when the baby comes.

It feels very calming to have a fully-stocked nursery and to just be waiting for him to get here now. Tomorrow I am 33 weeks - so we have about 7 weeks to go! I'm still crossing my fingers that he's a little early. I'm so finished with being pregnant!


April E. :) said... 1

OH TT!!! I am SO excited!!! Glad to see you have everything you needed. Like my organized TT would be any less prepared!! :) I certainly can't wait for this little Benett boy :) btw...who do I pay to get on the "Benett is born" telephone tree?? :)

April E. :) said... 2

Just a note...I am pretty sure I spell Bennet's name different every time...

I may just call him PB...short for Peanut Bennnneeetttttttttt :)


The Coys said... 3

Love the blog -- Now I can keep tabs on you too!

Anonymous said... 4

i am saying the same thing about being pregnant and I am only at 13 weeks. I am so glad that you were able to get everything off your list. I bet that kinda puts your mind at ease about having everything prepared for him.

Cory E. :) said... 5

Hey Terri, congratulation on two successful baby showers. I am so excited for benett to arrive. You two are going to be great parents.

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