Finally scanned in pictures of our 36-week ultrasound. Bennet's got some chubby cheeks!

Today I went for my first NST monitoring. All is well. His heartbeat is right on and I had an ultrasound afterwards that showed that my amniotic fluid is fine, too. We see the doctor on Friday, so we should have another NST monitoring then before we have our office visit with him.

I did remember today to ask the ultrasound tech to check and make sure he's still a boy...and he definitely is! Good thing because I've already washed tons of "boy clothes" and I wasn't quite sure what I'd do if they were mistaken the first time around...

I also saw his little lungs working today on the ultrasound. The tech says he's ready to go - and so, we wait! I'm trying to talk him into coming early...hopefully I'll have some luck with that!
COME NOW Bennet!!!
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