Today, Bennet and I took our envelope of Boxtops and walked up to the school to turn them in. The secretary was so appreciative - you would have thought I walked in the door with a check for a million dollars and not an envelope full of cardboard tokens worth ten cents each. She probably thanked me ten times, and told me how kind I was over and over. I was shocked that such a small thing meant to much to the school, and even more shocked that more people aren't participating in the program. I will definitely be starting a new envelope and saving more of them up. It was great to find out that a task so simple as cutting out boxtops from products I already buy for the house anyway was such a big deal to a city school in need.
Want to save Boxtops for Education for a school near you? Visit the Boxtops for Education website to find the school closest to you and to get a complete list of products that are part of the program. It's a little thing that takes hardly any time at all and apparently makes a big difference.
Terri = Noble. :)
Wow - that is super cool. I guess I always disregarded the boxtops, but never thought about how it could all really add up. Maybe we should all start cutting them off - I mean what trouble does it cause us to just snip a little cardboard, right?!
I always thought that was a good idea, but never toook advantage of it. Good for you, I'm so impressed (as usual).
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