Saturday was the big day. Baltimore Running Festival. My first ever 5K race. I finished in 43:14 which I am really proud of considering I had been fighting a miserable cold all week leading up to the race. I learned some valuable lessons - one of which being that I should have trained for hills. You don't realize how hilly Baltimore is until you leave the comfort of Fort Avenue and Fort McHenry and venture out into the rest of the city. Hilly, hilly, hilly.

And so, I decided early on not to kill myself or cause myself any additional respiratory distress. I walked the hills and ran all of the flat and downhill spots. It worked well. I finished. I ran most of the way. I was proud.

The problem now - I've been bitten by the bug. I'm signing up for a 5-miler on December 20th and I'm ready to push on to the next big goal! There's also an 8K in March in VA Beach that I'm eyeing up. Runs are fun.
In other fitness and weight-loss related news, I've been asked to update ya'll on my baby-weight-losing. It is going awesome. When I weighed in this past Friday, I weighed 172. Nine pounds to go to be back to pre-baby weight. Hooray!

Once I get back to pre-Bennet weight, we'll talk about my second weight goal...WEDDING WEIGHT (cue ominous music.)

Reaching wedding weight and maintaining it for a while is a pre-requisite for Baby P numero dos. I am going to do everything humanly possible to not gain 60 pounds with my next pregnancy, so being at a healthier weight than I was the first time I got pregnant is a must. I'm a woman with a plan.
Those are my updates. Yay for me!
SUPER big YEAH for you!!!! I am SO proud of you TT!!!! Go you!!
Whoo hoo! 43:14 is awesome for your first hilly race!
I'm looking forward to December. 5 miles seems a long way right now, but I've got it in my sights. Go bionic leg, go!
And congratulations on being so close to your first goal. You'll blaze past it in no time :)
Great job on the run! We did the VA Beach 1/2 marathon with Dea and Landon 2 years ago and it was really fun - cold but fun. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating. I did throw up after running those 13 miles!
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