Bennet has been pulling his diaper off all the time lately, so I've made sure he has been napping in a onesie or pajama bottoms. Today was Andrew's first day off with him since I've been doing this. When Andrew put him down for a nap today, he didn't think to put some sort of covering on his diaper. I even jokingly said to him, "I hope he pulls his diaper off and puts poop everywhere and you have to clean it up." I was joking though, honest to goodness.
We heard him wake up from his nap, but left him in his crib for a while before Andrew went up to get him. When I heard, "Holy crap, Babe, get the camera," I knew.
Andrew took him straight to the bathtub while I cleaned the crib. Poop everywhere, I tell you. Thank the Lord for Oxyclean, or we would have had to throw his beloved Frog Ninny in the garbage.
We just put him down for bed about an hour ago, in his poop-free room. I still think it smells like poop in there, although Andrew thinks the smell is gone. I think we learned an important lesson today - No more sleeping in only a diaper!
Oh my Lord! I really hope I never have to experience this...
Oh... my... GOSH!! That is so ridiculous! Oh the joys of parenthood, eh? ha ha ha
Sick. Sick. Sick. Kudos to you for getting teh camera. My humor would have gone right out the window...
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