December 23, 2009: My boys playing around before bedtime.
December 24, 2009: Bennet's second meeting with Santa Claus. It went much better the second time around. He still cried a little, but at least I got a picture!
December 25, 2009: Merry Christmas!
December 26, 2009: The Christmas aftermath. Toys everywhere! It definitely took us a few days to find a place for all of Bennet's Christmas loot!
December 27, 2009: We took Bennet to WalMart to pick out bedding for his toddler bed. We picked out Transformers bedding, to match the cool "Softimus Prime" stuffed animal that our friends Dave and Carly bought for Bennet when he was first born. Still not sleeping in the "big boy bed," but we may be getting close!
December 28, 2009: Bennet loves rocking out with his new Muno guitar. Yo Gabba Gabba!
December 29, 2009: Brr! It's starting to get cold in Baltimore! We went out to run some errands and had to hurry to get Bennet into the car and out of the cold!
December 30, 2009: Bennet's really into this knit pumpkin hat lately. He puts it on all by himself and wears it all around the house. I know it's technically out of season, but it's so cute that I can't help but let him wear it.
December 31, 2009: The amazing dinner Andrew cooked for us on New Year's Eve - roasted leg of lamb, asparagus and potatoes. He also made homemade cream of asparagus soup. Yum!
January 1, 2010: We spent a lazy New Year's Day at home. Bennet and I broke out the new marker set that Ashley bought him for Christmas. He loved coloring with (and eating) the markers.
January 2, 2010: I got this table off of freecycle for Bennet. We repainted it and put contact paper over the table and chairs to spruce it up. Bennet loves having his own little play area. We put his play kitchen in the same corner, and he spends lots of time hanging out there now.
January 3, 2010: Another picture of Bennet hanging out at his table, reading books.
January 4, 2010: I went to take a picture of Bennet, and told him to say "cheese!" He actually said it, which cracked me up!
January 5, 2010: Dinner time is so much fun with a toddler. At least once a week, we have a battle with Bennet over his dinner. If he won't eat it, he has to sit in his highchair until bedtime and then he goes straight to bed. Someone should have warned us that the toddler years would be so much drama!
Our boys have a lot of the same jammies! We are also having a hard time getting Weston to eat dinner...must be this age! Drives me crazy!
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