We are expecting baby # 2 and are, of course, very excited about it!
My due date was originally July 19th, but after having my 8-week ultrasound, they moved it up one day to July 18th. I've seen the doctor twice, and had two ultrasounds. Baby 2 is looking great, and we should go for the "boy or girl" ultrasound in February. We can't wait to find out what we'll be having!
I'm seeing a new doctor this pregnancy, and will be delivering at a new hospital. There were some things surrounding my pregnancy and delivery with Bennet that we weren't happy with, so we decided to switch to a new practice. I really love our new OB and all of the staff in the office. So far, I'm very happy with the decision we made! A bonus is that the hospital is about 10 minutes from our house, as opposed to the 45 minute drive we had last time.
So far, this pregnancy is flying by! I'm so busy chasing Bennet around that the weeks seem to be passing fast! I can't believe I am finishing up my first trimester. I'll be glad to have the fatigue and nausea of the first trimester behind me - keeping up with a toddler when you're feeling lousy is no fun!
Please keep us in your prayers over the next few months. We're excited to add a new member to our family, and are trusting God for a happy, healthy baby!

Yay - so exciting! Congratulations!
Hewwo Baby Bean Peters :P
Just out of curiousity, who is your new doctor? Are you delivering at Mercy? I delivered there with Weston with Hoffman and Assoc.
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