February 3, 2010: A special friend arrived in the mail today for Bennet. "Slumble-Bee," another stuffed Transformer, arrived from Buffalo from our friends Dave and Carly. When Bennet was born, they sent him "Softimus-Prime," which led to us choosing Transformers bedding for his toddler bed. Slumble-Bee is a perfect addition to Bennet's big boy bed - which he'll hopefully be sleeping in soon!
February 4, 2010: Kara and I took the kids to Barnes and Noble to play with the train table and read the books. Bennet was in heaven, carrying books all around and reading them. I'm so glad he loves books as much as he does - all that reading to him as an infant must have paid off!
February 5, 2010: We scored free tickets to Disney on Ice from my friend Jaci! We weren't sure how Bennet would like it, but he was completely mesmerized. He clapped along with the music and shouted at the performers. Such a fun time!
February 7, 2010: My child still hates the snow. We bundled up and went for a walk to dig out Andrew's car and he had a complete meltdown after being outside for about 15 minutes and we had to walk home.
February 8, 2010: Bennet was being ridiculous again today, so I dressed him in what has become known in our house as his "ridiculous" outfit. He's been having a ball playing with the tambourine we bought him at Disney on Ice.
February 9, 2010: I left Bennet coloring at the table alone for a few minutes and came back to find him coloring his arm!
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