April 7, 2010: Bennet and I went to the library, fed the ducks, and then stopped at 7-11 for Slurpees. I let him get his own little one, and he did surprisingly well not spilling it in the car!
April 8, 2010: I took Bennet to do a hand print plate at one of the local paint-your-own-pottery studios. It turned out very cute. I can't wait to go and pick it up this weekend when it's ready!

April 9, 2010: We scored free circus tickets, and took Bennet to see his very first circus - Zing Zang Zoom! He had a great time. His favorite parts of the show were the performing dogs, the elephants, and the part where they shot performers out of cannons.
April 10, 2010: In Clearfield visiting Grammy & Granddad, Bennet slipped and fell on their stairs and had an impressive cut and some rugburn on his chin. Grammy found him a panda bear band aid, which seemed to cheer him up!

April 11, 2010: Kara and the kids came over for dinner and brought a chocolate cake for dessert. Bennet, obviously, was a fan!

April 11, 2010: Kara and the kids came over for dinner and brought a chocolate cake for dessert. Bennet, obviously, was a fan!
April 12, 2010: Bennet has been learning how to sleep in his toddler bed. I told him if he slept in his bed all night, we could go and buy glow-in-the-dark stars for his ceiling. He did it, so on Monday morning we headed to the gift shop at the Science Center to buy stars! He was so proud of them and couldn't wait to put them on his ceiling.
April 13, 2010: Two things of note in this picture. # 1 - Bennet loves this frog shirt that the Fenns passed down to us. It's his first choice of things to wear if it's clean and in the drawer, and all day he says "FROG" and points to it. # 2 - I participated in a Spring Swap, and my swap partner, Kellie, sent me the most wonderful boxes of spring gifts. In them, she included a dinosaur mask for Bennet. I'll be blogging more about the swap later.
Oh the FROG shirt is TOO cute!
I think Landon had a shirt like that too! So cute!
I hope you liked everything. I am having some problems uploading my pictures. I guess I have too many. I am glad Bennett likes his mask. I bought the same plate sets for my kids for Easter and we can't eat a meal without those plates. Fun!!! Thank you for my gifts, I have already used some of the flowers on a page. I will try to post it.
Just a friendly reminder to link up the swap post...thanks so much!
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