I was so excited to come across the "Today A Year Ago" Blog Hop on one of my new favorite blogs - Wyatt Family Farm. Every third Thursday, we'll be going back to a year ago - and remembering what I was blogging about way back when. It's funny to think that, a year ago, I was only about 8 weeks pregnant with Bean, and I was sick, exhausted, and doing lots of throwing up. Must have been all of those female hormones in my body, although at the time, I would never have guessed I'd be blessed enough to have a sweet, little daughter to love!
I had to laugh when I saw that, on December 15th - a year ago today - I posted a Project 365 where I talked about Bennet stalking me in the kitchen while I did some Christmas baking. I remember so well being in the exhausting first trimester of my pregnancy with Kennedy and having an 18-month-old who wanted "Momma Momma Momma" all the time.

The funniest part is, a year later, he still wants me all the time. He calls for me when he wakes up in the morning, he wants me to snuggle him in bed when he wakes up from his nap, and every night at bath time he asks, "Momma wash Nennet? Momma wash Nennet?" He is a momma's boy in every sense of the word, and the thing I am most thankful for a year later is that I am not too sick, tired and pregnant to appreciate it. I just want to soak up every moment of him thinking Momma is the greatest person in the world, because I know that, before I know it, he'll be a grown up and I'll miss these Momma-loving days terribly.
Ah!! What a great post! So glad to have someone link up and participate in our meme.
Newest follower too!
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Very cute. I don't think they stop needing you until about twelve, so enjoy. :-)
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