December 9, 2009: Just a picture of Bennet being cute, playing with his ride-on car.
December 10, 2009: Andrew tried to block Bennet from coming into the kitchen so I could bake in peace! Unfortunately, he didn't take long to learn how to crawl under the chairs and come into the kitchen to hang out with Momma.
December 11, 2009: Bennet and I spent the morning playing at the mall play area, and riding on the rides they have there. He loved going for a drive with Spider Man!
December 12, 2009: Grammy Gale and Granddad bought Bennet a membership to Port Discovery for Christmas. The membership cards came early, so Andrew and I took him to Port Discovery to check things out!
December 13, 2009: Another Sunday morning missing church due to all of the sickness in our house. I think poor Bennet was trying to escape by putting on his hat!
December 14, 2009: Bennet and I went to Half Pints Club at Whole Foods, where we made Christmas cards and decorated a giant sugar cookie. Bennet loved eating the chocolate chips that were meant for cookie-decorating.
December 15, 2009: We took Bennet to 34th Street in Hamden to see the Christmas lights. He was fascinated by the lights and was much more interested in looking at them than at the camera.
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