I’ve never been much for New Year’s Resolutions, but the busier things get with the kiddos, the more I feel inspired to put some plans for the upcoming year in writing. The only way I know to hold myself accountable, make sure that I carve out some “me time,” and force myself to do things that make me grow as a person is to put it all out there, and keep you all updated on my progress! I know that, the best thing I can give Bennet and Kennedy is a Momma who loves life and loves herself! Here are some things that I aspire to accomplish in the upcoming year!
1. Make soft pretzels – from scratch. I’ve always wanted to do it, and now that soft pretzels are one of Bennet’s favorite things, it seems like a great time to try!
2. Pull out my knitting supplies and continue on with my attempts to learn to knit. My dreams of homemade sweaters and matching hats for the kids are not coming true when my yarn, needles and how-to books are packed away in a bag in the basement.
3. Start baby books for both Bennet and Kennedy, and get them up-to-date. Our wonderful friend Ashley got Kennedy an amazing baby book for her Baby Dedication – I may just order a 2nd one for Bennet since I doubt I’ll find one I like as much!
4. Build a photo collage/family memory wall in our home. Since we moved in, I’ve been stocking up on photo frames and I seem to have enough now to get going! I’m loving some of the examples in this picture:
5. Get a Home Management Notebook together for our house.
6. Make at least one recipe a month from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. I have an amazing vintage copy, and I need to use it a lot more often! I’m thinking Boeuf Bourguignon as the first month’s attempt!
7. Take a quilting class, and start memory quilts for Bennet at Kennedy. I’ve been saving special baby clothes for quilts for each of them, and it’s time I learn to quilt. When my dad passed away, I also packed all of his clothes in boxes with plans to make memory quilts out of his clothing – so it’s probably time to get that project started, too!
8. Track my savings throughout the year with The Coupon Project. I’ve always wondered exactly how much money I’m saving with all of my discount hunting and coupon clipping! I’d love to see how much total money I’ve saved by the end of the year.
9. Get to a weight I feel content with, and maintain it. Through a lot of recent self-searching, I feel like I’m just about there. What I want for myself this year is to spend the year eating healthier, keeping my weight in check, and getting back to living an active lifestyle – which brings me to #10…
10. Get back to my pre-baby fitness level – cardio, group fitness classes, spinning, running – it’s time to feel healthy and have energy again!
11. Give my life a little spiritual tune-up. Man, it’s hard to find time for daily devotionals or to have the energy to get involved in things at church when you’ve got two little kids! We’ve settled into a great church in the area, and I hope to make spending time with the Lord more of a priority in 2011. Our church sells a little daily devotional with a short reading for each day and, even making myself hide from the kids in the kitchen each day long enough to read it has helped me feel more in tune with what God wants from me in my daily life. I’m also signing up for a women’s “life group” at church about getting back to all of the other roles you play in life – friend, daughter, wife, etc. – rather than just feeling like MOMMA all the time. I’m looking forward to getting my spiritual life in line this year, and I think that many good things will come of it!
So, there they are – my goals for 2011! Overall, some of them may seem small – but setting myself up with small successes that I can celebrate is the best way for me to have a happy, successful year!
What are your goals for 2011?

TT! These sound like great goals. Your drive is amazing and I am sure you will do amazing at this! And I am excited you are using the Coupon tracker too...I have already added a few to my list...savings so far $10.34 I think :P
I'm a new follower from today's Blog Hop! Find me here - www.marvelousmommy.com
hi there- i'm your newest follower from tuesday's blog hop. I will be back to snoop around. Please follow me back at http://imnotatrophywife.blogspot.com
I found you with the tuesday hops, and now I'm following. good luck with your goals!
I am so glad to have found you again (well, okay, you found me). You have inspired me to create my own realistic list. :) Keep it up.
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