January 12, 2011: We finally got some snow! I’m feeling spoiled by the blizzards of last winter and am really feeling slighted by these 1-2 inch snowfalls we’re getting! Either way, Bennet had fun playing around in the snow, and local schools were closed, so we got to have lunch with my mom (who is a teacher) since she had the day off. All-in-all, a successful “snow day!”
January 13, 2011: Beanie had her 4-week follow up appointment at STAR for her helmet. Everything is going great, and at her next appointment we get a scan of her head to see where we are with her flat spot!
January 14, 2011: Things I love about this picture: #1 – Bennet’s coloring a “princess” coloring book, #2 – the sunlight that comes in our house from the French doors in the dining room, #3 – the view of my clean house in the background!
January 15, 2011: Celebrating the Steelers win! Go Steelers! We’re so excited to watch the game again this weekend with Bennet. Turns out he was an absolute blast to watch football with!
January 16, 2011: Check out my new curio cabinet! It’s perfect – matches our dining room set, displays my grandma’s china beautifully and, the best part of all is – it was FREE! I got it from someone on Freecycle and I am so excited to have it!
January 17, 2011: Bennet is obsessed with my grandma’s red pick-up truck. We met my mom and Mommom for lunch at the mall, and since we were parked in different lots, my mom drove him in “Mommom’s truck” over to my car. It was a short ride, but it made his day!
January 18, 2011: My poor little guy! Bennet started throwing up when I picked him up from preschool and we had quite the afternoon! Thankfully, after some Children’s Pepto and a good nap, the vomiting seemed to stop. We spent the rest of the evening snuggling on the couch, bucket close by. Have you ever seen such a sweet, sad, little face?
Don’t forget – tonight is the last night to enter my BEARPAW Boots giveaway! Winner will be chosen tomorrow – so enter now for your chance to win!

What a great week (except for the Steelers stuff...hehe). I'm so envious of you curio cabinet. It's beautiful! I've also had my eye out for one on Freecycle!
Just too cute. Those sweet little sicky pink cheeks!
New follower- Great pictures. I am pulling for the Steelers as well.
All the best,
Groovy blog...thanx for sharing~!!
GFC following from Tuesday Blog Trail...ifn you have a moment, please stop by my place and have yourself a look around ~ Mad Moose Mama ~ http://www.madmoosemama.blogspot.com ~ Have yourself a most groovy of days...peaces...xoxo
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