June 10, 2012

Fifteen Minute Update

If you resolve to start blogging with regularity again, it’s always possible that your laptop will die, you’ll have to send it away for repairs, your wonderful husband will buy you both a Nook AND a new Droid, and you will get so caught up in the new technologies that you’ll forget about blogging.  True story.

I really, REALLY want to start blogging again.  No promises, though.

I have fifteen minutes until we have to leave to celebrate our sweet, little friend Leela’s first birthday.  Can I update the world on the goings on in our family in fifteen minutes?  Let’s see.

I’m newly really into Instagram.  It combines two of my most favorite things – photos and social media.  Love.


Kennedy is a hot mess.  Almost two.  Curly.  Mean.  Talking up a storm.  She’s having a Frances birthday party.  Frances being the cute, little badger from old children’s books.  It really fits her obstinate personality to insist upon such a challenging birthday theme.  Sigh.


Bennet’s…well…a four-year-old boy.  Superheroes, video games, Star Wars.  He’s way too smart for his own good.  Yesterday, for example, he and I floated around in the pool and had a deep discussion about our yard in the city, why it didn’t have grass and a pool, and if that made me sad.  Seriously?


Andrew and I are great.  Most nights, we pass out on the couch when we get the kids to bed because they wear us out.  Andrew bought me a fabulous patio set last weekend, so, weather permitting, we sometimes put the kids to bed and then pass out on the back porch. 


Andrew has taken up reading The Economist.  (See…on the patio…when the kids were in bed…)


I have taken up wearing large, bright sun hats.  Don’t be jealous.

Oh, and my diet/fitness coach stuff is going really well.  But if I tell you about that now, I won’t be motivated to blog again tomorrow.

Eighteen minutes.  Not too shabby of an update.  Off to celebrate a sweet little on her 1st birthday!


April E. :) said... 1

I loves it. I so want to get back into it...but I kinda want to start all over again too, because I lost my domain name. Hmmm. Decisions.
Until then, I shall read yours!

Erika . . . with a K said... 2

Awwe, Kennedy is adorable and grown so much! I found you through googling things about helmets for plagiocephaly. My 6 month old boy needs one and we are in the waiting on insurance approval phase! Your blog has made me feel so much better and more positive about it! Hope you find some time to start blogging again!

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