When Dr. Weitz examined me - she said I am 50% effaced and 1/2 a centimeter dilated. This is exceptionally better than last week - so apparently we're moving in the right direction! She wants me to see Dr. Kouzhami on Tuesday once I have my NST and have him check things out again. She is looking for everything to be just a little bit more "favorable" before she induces me but she promised again today that as long as I keep progressing, she will intervene and induce me early. Here's hoping I go into labor before Tuesday, or that on Tuesday things are looking good and Dr. Kouzhami induces me next week!
I went to the mall today and did lots of walking around...and Andrew and I plan to take Sophie on a long, long walk tonight, too. Gotta move this little one out!
I am apparently getting HUGE because more than one person at the mall today said things like "Wow, you are REALLY far along," and "That baby looks like it is coming any day." I got a pedicure today and the Asian lady said to me, "Oh honey, that baby look like it come now."
Here are some of the pictures from the ultrasound I had on Tuesday. Today we got some more, but I don't know when I'll be near the scanner again!

What great news!!! And I am sure such a relief for you guys as well. Keep on walking!
I want to see him NOW...walk woman!!! teehee. I am just so excited that you are so close!
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