July 15, 2008

so many things.

Admittedly, I have been a blogging slacker of late. The problem with this is twofold. First, my adoring blog fans are probably wondering where in the world I have been - and second, I have more than my fair share of things I want to talk about. After sitting at my laptop pondering for the past half hour about the best place to start, I decided that my life is entirely too interesting to narrow this post down to one subject and have decided to do a quick review of the life and times of the family and myself. Here goes.

Deep Creek Lake - Andrew and I finally took advantage of my Aunt & Uncle's place up at Deep Creek Lake. We headed up there this past Thursday night (We gave Bennet his bath and his bottle and left at his bedtime and he slept the entire way there. It was awesome. We should have done it on the way home because we didn't and he definitely cried for the whole 3-hour drive home. It was not awesome.) The Marinos came with us, and we stayed through Sunday afternoon. We had never been to Deep Creek and we really liked the area. We are currently deliberating about whether we want a vacation home at the ocean or the lake. A vacation home is a definite possibility for the future and, although the lake has more spiders than the ocean (me = arachnaphobic,) we really enjoyed the combination of beaches, parks and hiking. The lake seems to marry Andrew's interests and mine better than the ocean, but then there's the spider issue...and that is a big issue...a creepy, eight-legged issue that I don't know if I can let go of. We'll see. Some highlights of our weekend: taking Bennet on his first hike, seeing Bennet cry every time I tried to convince him that the water was fun, spending time with the Marino boys, putting all the kids to bed and having adult time where we did things like play "Guitar Hero" and eat ice cream that we hid from the kids (evil, huh?), and watching "Real World Hollywood" and drinking bloody marys in our pajamas. It was an amazingly fun weekend. We had a great time.

Wine Dinner - For Christmas, I bought Andrew a gift certificate to attend a wine dinner at Gramercy Mansion catered by Chef's Expressions. The problem with a wine dinner when you're pregnant is that you can't really drink that much wine and it really would be pointless. Being currently not-pregnant, Andrew and I finally went last night to use his gift. (We literally had a little Christmas in July celebration.) The dinner was for Bastille Day and was therefore all French food and French wine. 7 courses, each paired with a wine that compliments the dish. Being the foodies that we are, we were in absolute heaven. Gramercy Mansion is beautiful and the food and wine were unreal. We sat at a table with a really nice couple, Ken & Nelly, and the food, the conversation and the atmosphere made for such a great night. The only sad thing I have to report here is that I left my memory card in my laptop and was therefore unable to take a single picture. Being a picture-obsessed person, I am pretty devastated. The good news is that we want to try to attend the dinner in August (they do them monthly) and stay at Gramercy Mansion for our anniversary, so hopefully I'll get double the pictures that time around to make up for it! I should mention here that I wasn't a fan of the duck dish that was served, and when no one was looking I spit it into my hand and threw it under the table. Later, I dropped my napkin and I said to Andrew, "I dropped my napkin, can you pick it up, and watch out for the duck that I spit out under the table." I am one high-class babe.

Being Back to Work - It's going really well. My mom has been watching Bennet 2 days a week while I go into the office, and then I've been doing work from home. In September, Jeanine (a friend of ours) is going to come to the house and nanny for us 2 days a week. This was a huge answer to prayer since we had no idea who was going to watch Bennet once my mom went back to school.

Baby Weight - Operation Lose Baby Weight is going really well. I have 23 pounds left to lose, and then 15 more to be at my wedding weight. I've been taking Alli, and it is really moving things along. I stopped following Weight Watchers and instead have been exercising and eating healthy and taking Alli. So far, so good! Which reminds me, I need to cancel my online WW subscription! Maybe I'll go do that now...

There we go, my mind is cleared out.

Stay tuned as I make a better effort to blog more frequently!


April E. :) said... 1

YEAH for UPDATES! It makes me miss my TT. :(

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