September 22, 2008

baby dedication.

This weekend, we had Bennet Dedicated at church. We were so blessed to have so many of our church family, close friends and family present at the dedication and at a luncheon at our house afterward. I kept looking around my house (packed with 40 people!) on Sunday afternoon and thinking what an amazing journey Andrew and I have had together, and how blessed we are to have so many around us supporting and loving us as we continue to move through marriage and parenthood and all of life's other excitement together. We are so amazingly blessed.

Here are some pictures of the Dedication, intermixed with the promises we made on Sunday to guide Bennet in the ways of the Lord to the best of our abilities.

As parents, are you bringing your child here today to be dedicated to God in the presence of this church as a public declaration of your dependence on God to help you fulfill your parental duties?

We are.

Do you promise to follow Christ and so live your own lives in a manner that honors God so that your child may learn of Jesus through your example?

We do.

Do you promise to instruct your child in the ways of the Lord, to teach God's word, and talk with them about faith in Jesus as Savior as they reach the age of spiritual accountability?

We do.

"Don't make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the Lord." Ephesians 6:4

"Teach your children the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it." Proverbs 22:6


Many Titles said... 1

I bet it was wonderful!!!!! And you looked great Terri! So sorry that we weren't able to make it. We really wished to have been there.

April E. :) said... 2

I wuv the Peters :)

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