January 13, 2010: Bennet climbed into the toybox and hung out there for a while. Impressive!
January 14, 2010: Bennet has become increasingly interested in my rapidly growing belly. I keep telling him there's a baby brother or baby sister in there. We can't wait until February to find out which!
January 15, 2010: Bennet started with some yucky cold symptoms today. Snotty nose, cough, flushed cheeks. Lots of Motrin and Mucinex for Monkey!
January 16, 2010: In case you've been wondering, we're still wearing the orange pumpkin hat everywhere.
January 17, 2010: A very rainy day in Baltimore.
January 18, 2010: We had our January Half Pints Club at Whole Foods, where we made a 2010 photo calendar for Daddy's office and made chicken primavera to take home for dinner. Bennet loved eating the cold pasta out of the pan, but wouldn't eat a bit of it for dinner that night. Toddlers!
January 19, 2010: I go to the chiropractor on Tuesday mornings. Lucky for me, they love playing with Bennet and let me bring him in the office with me. He loves "working" with the receptionist, Laine, and sits at her desk coloring on papers and rooting through her drawers. When he gets bored with that, they take him into the gym and let him play with the exercise balls, or they wheel him up and down the hallway in a rolling chair. No wonder he likes it so much there!
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