January 20, 2010: Bennet loves to check out the fish pond outside of the Catholic church near our house. There aren't any fish in it, but that doesn't seem to bother him.
January 21, 2010: I ordered some bath paints for Bennet from Avon and they came in the mail this day. Bennet loved getting painted pink and green!
January 22, 2010: We headed to Turbotville, PA to visit Andrew's family for the weekend. We stayed with Ryan (Andrew's brother) and Jess (our sister-in-law) and their little one, Jacob. Bennet and Jacob really enjoyed seeing each other.
January 23, 2010: I bought matching pajamas for the boys to wear on their visit. Too cute!
January 24, 2010: I did not take a picture this day. Late the night before, I came down with a stomach virus and I was too busy throwing up all day to remember to take a picture. Here's a picture of Bennet and his other cousin, Raegan, playing in Jacob's ball pit earlier in the weekend.
January 25, 2010: After a messy Chicken Parmesan dinner, Daddy and Bennet played "Don't Touch Daddy" while Andrew cleaned him up after dinner. The game was simple, Bennet kept trying to put his dirty hands on Andrew and Andrew would jump back and yell "AAAH! Don't touch Daddy!" Here, Bennet took a break from his chase to smile for a picture.
January 26, 2010: Sophie bit Bennet in the face. Before you say, "Have that mean dog put down," let me say that I witnessed the whole thing go down and it was not Sophie's fault. Bennet has been jumping on top of Sophie on the couch and really hurting her. I've seen her growl at him or nip his fingers, and he keeps doing it. This time, we were all on the couch, and Bennet jumped at her with full force and she came after him to protect herself. I can't blame her. She is tiny. If I weighed 7 pounds and a toddler kept attacking me, I'd defend myself, too!
I'm just waiting for our cat to do this to Weston. He attacks her and lays on her as well. She's been nice about thus far...but we'll see.
P.S. Weston's Nanna got him those bath paints for Christmas and YES! They are so much fun! And smell good too! :)
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