April 28, 2010: I came down with a stomach bug on the last day of our trip, and was too sick to remember to take a photo for this day. This picture is technically from the night before, when Andrew won $35 playing the penny slots at the casino in our hotel!
April 29, 2010: I picked Bennet up from Kara's on this morning, and he was so excited to see me! I know he had a blast with the Smiths, but it was nice to know he hadn't forgotten all about us and was happy for us to be home with him! We bought him a little, green alligator in Louisiana, and a cowboy hat at our layover in Texas. He loved all of his souvenirs!
April 30, 2010: One of my favorite Target Dollar Spot finds ever were these plastic plant nannies. I love houseplants, but I constantly forget to water them. I put one of these in every plant in our house and now they're all thriving! The only downside is when Bennet pulls this one out of the dirt and carries it around the house saying, "Momma? Water?" What a mess!
May 1, 2010: We had a Saturday afternoon picnic in the park for Bennet's 2nd birthday party. He played with friends, opened presents and ate lots of cake. It seemed like he had a great time! Blogging more details about his party is on my to do list, so stay tuned!
May 2, 2010: Bennet's actual 2nd birthday! We took him to the park in the afternoon after his nap so he could play with the new soccer ball he got for his birthday. He's pretty good at kicking it around. I see a place on the South Baltimore Youth Soccer League in his future!

May 3, 2010: Our neighbors, Landon and Deanna, bought Bennet these foam weapons from Target as part of his birthday present. Bennet has been very into a Sesame Street dance DVD we bought him a few weeks ago at Goodwill, and on this morning he was dancing along with the DVD with weapons in his hands. The one in his right hand was an ax, but he danced around the room with it until the head of the ax came off!
May 4, 2010: I blew Bennet's mind at Toys R Us by letting him pick out his very first Pez dispenser. He was fascinated by being able to pull the candy out of the dinosaur dispenser. He kept saying "Candy? Candy?" and wanting me to refill it. Now, I'm on the hunt for a store that sells refills so we can fill it back up!
Happy Birthday Bennett!
P.S. I had a ton of refills but I threw them away because Weston was addicted to Pez. Someone introduced them to him at Christmas and it was all downhill from there.
Checking in...did you receive your swap package because I dont see it linked up?
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