May 5, 2010: Some of my favorite things in our back yard: the white, wooden planter my grandfather made long ago, my hydrangea bush (to the left) that I hope will finally bloom this summer, and our little flower box Bennet made at a Lowe's Build and Grow Clinic (above.) We planted some pretty flower seeds that Bennet picked out in it, and we need to transplant them to the garden soon!
May 6, 2010: Bennet developed a high fever in the middle of the night, and I took him in to the pediatrician first thing in the morning. I have never seen the little guy so sick. He was burning up and slept in my arms, completely limp, through the whole doctor visit. They tested him for the flu, but it was negative. The pediatrician said that it was a virus that is going around that causes fevers, body aches and other flu-like symptoms. Thankfully, lots of Motrin, Pedialyte and Popsicles made him feel better until the sickness cleared up.
May 7, 2010: For the longest time, Bennet has been very hard to photograph. Lately, he's been way more excited to get his picture taken, much to my excitement! This day, he kept wanting to say "cheese" and then would ask to do it again. I was not complaining!
May 8, 2010: Bennet loves these Crayola bath markers that he picked out with some of his birthday money.
May 9, 2010: 30 weeks pregnant on Mother's Day! I can't believe we only have about 10 weeks until we meet our daughter!
May 10, 2010: Bennet didn't seem to be too in love with his train bed, so we traded with Kara for a light wood toddler bed that matches the crib and dressers and takes up less space. We need all the space we can get with the two kids sharing a room, and Kara's Ensley is obsessed with Thomas the Tank Engine, so it worked out better for everyone!
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