May 12, 2010: My cute little guy, smiling at the park.
May 13, 2010: We put some birthday money together and ordered Bennet a sand and water table from Target. It came in the mail, and he couldn't wait to put it together and check it out.
May 14, 2010: We got free tickets to the aquarium, so we spent the morning there with Bennet. We had never seen the new jellyfish exhibit, so it was exciting to get to check it out. Bennet kept calling them "flowers" - too cute!
May 15, 2010: We finally decided to get rid of our big outdoor dining table to give Bennet more room to play in our back yard. He has so much more room now for all of his cars and bikes!
May 16, 2010: My biggest pregnancy craving? Spearmint snowballs. The best ones in Baltimore are at a snowball stand over in Highlandtown, and my wonderful husband drove there to get me one! I told him to buy me the biggest one money could buy and, believe it or not, they actually sold a 32 oz size! I was in snowball heaven, and I had the green lips to prove it!
May 17, 2010: Bennet has been wanting a fishy like Dorothy on "Elmo's World." We didn't want to spent lots of money on an aquarium for it, so I looked for one on Freecycle. Freecycle is the greatest thing ever. I found someone who wanted to get rid of one and Bennet and I picked it up, cleaned it, and got it all set up for his new pet. I'll post more on the actual fish later!
May 18, 2010: Andrew's mom sent me an early baby shower gift in the mail. Included in the package was a present for Bennet from his "baby sister!" It was one of those Squiggle Wiggle Writer pens, and Bennet loved it! We drew lots of pictures with it, and he got a kick out of feeling it shake all around.
How do you like that table sand/water table? I have it on Weston and Grayson's birthday wish list but I'm not sure which one to pick. :)
Congrats on winning the binky clips on my blog. It was fun to come over and see your cute little family.
Good luck with the new baby in July!! I'm sure she'll be just as cute as her big brother. :)
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