May 19, 2010: I picked up these two matching baby outfits at a thrift store, with plans for a super-cute sewing project. I'm going to keep one of them as-is to dress Kennedy in, and cut a tie shape out of the other and sew it to a t-shirt for Bennet to wear. Then, he'll have a tie on his shirt that matches her little outfit. Cute, huh?
May 20, 2010: I took Bennet to a nature center in the area for their Thursday morning "Nature Story Time." We had never been to this place before, and Bennet had a blast exploring all of the nature trails and playing in the woods. Such a boy!
May 21, 2010: Bennet and I made homemade pizza dough for dinner. He kept calling it "play dough," but hopefully he understood what it was when we ate it instead of playing with it.
May 22, 2010: Ashley and Kara threw me a baby shower at one of my favorite restaurants, Metropolitan in Federal Hill. It was wonderful and I got so many adorable, pink, girly presents! I can't wait for Kennedy to get here so I can dress her in all the cute clothes we've been getting!
May 23, 2010: Bennet got this cool t-shirt as a special present from my friend, Jaci. She bought baby Kennedy an absolutely adorable outfit, and was sure to include Bennet in the present-giving by buying him this "Boys Rule" shirt. He wore it around all day, pointing to it and saying, "Jaci! Jaci!"
May 24, 2010: We had Half Pints at Whole Foods on this morning. The kids painted flower pots, and got to take seeds and soil home to go in them. I was talking to my friend Krissy and not paying attention to Bennet when I turned to find him painting the store window instead of his pot! Luckily, baby wipes took it right off!
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