June 2, 2010: Bennet and I spent a great morning with our friends Beth and Jaci at the Otterbein Swim Club. Bennet loves the water so much more this summer than he did last year.
June 3, 2010: We pulled the bassinet out of the basement and got it cleaned up for Kennedy. It's funny seeing it filled with pink sheets and girlie receiving blankets. I'm so excited to be having a little girl!
June 4, 2010: Bennet tripped over his basketball playing in the back yard and scraped his forehead up really good! Thankfully, freeze pops cure anything around our house!
June 5, 2010: Late pregnancy combined with 90-degree heat has finally caused my fingers to swell to the point that my wedding ring doesn't fit anymore. Time to break out the fake wedding band Andrew bought me when I was pregnant with Bennet.
June 6, 2010: We spent Sunday morning house-hunting, and then tried to get Bennet down for a nap at my mom's house. He refused to sleep, and only wanted to be downstairs playing with "Am-Ma" (grandma.) Of course, he passed out asleep in the car on the drive home!
June 7, 2010: Bennet and I spent the morning making castles and towers out of blocks. He got this Mega Blocks set from my mom for Christmas, and has really gotten into it lately. We spend lots of time each day building!
June 8, 2010: After much debating, taking and praying, Andrew and I decided to start looking for houses in Anne Arundel County a few weeks ago. While it's heartbreaking to think of leaving the city, we're also very excited about starting this new chapter of life with our family. After looking at around 20 homes in Pasadena, we found one we loved and put an offer in. While it seemed creepy to take pictures of the house when it isn't ours yet, I did get a picture of the community beach and playground. It's beautiful, just like our house that we found. We're still in the process of getting some things approved, but we're hoping that we'll get our contract officially in the works soon!
I meant to ask you earlier today...did it get accepted?
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