September 4, 2012

A New School Year.

Oh, my sweet babies.  I can’t believe they are both in preschool now! 


Bennet will be going every day!  Every day!


I cannot believe he only has one more year until he starts Kindergarten.  It seems like just yesterday, he was starting 2-year-old preschool, now Kennedy is there – where has the time gone?


I’m truly looking forward to seeing what Bennet learns this year.  When we went to “Meet the Teacher,” she showed me how they will learn vowels and start learning to read!  Last night, I told Bennet that this year he would learn how to read books all by himself, and his little face lit up.

We are so blessed to have found this preschool – such amazing teachers and staff – I’ve seen my kids grow and blossom under the love that they all provide.  Definitely no regrets about starting them in school so young!


And so – here we are, at the start of another year.  Friends and field trips and parties and learning.  Alone time for Mommy AND days on my own with Kennedy while Bennet’s at school.  It’s going to be a great year.  : )

Happy School Year, everyone!


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